Everything is good here in Chile! This week has been good and the weather is incredible here! I am pretty sure it is in the 80s or high 70s everyday with a constant wind, so it is about perfect! Also all the fruit is in season so we ate watermelon EVERYDAY this week from the members and they constantly kept giving us fruit so I have been super happy! We were able to teach and do service quite a bit as well, which always makes it a good week. Hna Lino has been progressing a lot as well and even though she says she is always sore and her feet hurt, we keep going and she has got an awesome attitude to keep working through it! I feel like this week we laughed about everything this week, especially the million and one times I hit my head on tree branches or street signs (this country is not made for people who are 6 ft or taller...) or when we were running to get some where and I slipped on some sand and did a sweet 360 rolling on the ground (don`t worry mom I am okay) or when a very old man said that we had "hands of an angel" and then asked me if I would marry him and then decided he would take both of us.... Hahah oh crazy times.
On a spiritual note, Karen has finally decided that she wants to get baptized either this weekend or next weekend!! It came out of the blue when she told us and we were so pumped!! We haven`t really been concentrating on her that much, but the other Hna`s in our house have been helping us with her and had the genius idea to just go and read a chapter from the Book of Mormon with her every day starting from the beginning. So both of us went and started helping her do that and I know that is what changed her mind. She has been receiving the missionaries for 3 years now on and off and hasn`t been able to give up smoking for long enough to get baptized. However, she has been clean for about 2 weeks now and says that she is never going to smoke again. Putting a baptismal date on her wasn`t working either, so we just decided that she was going to tell us when she wanted to be baptized and it worked! Also her dad who isn`t a member has lots of emotional problems and has been really closed to talking with the missionaries for about 2 years now after the first Hermanas that ever came to their house left. However, apparently I look just like one of the first missionaries that he listened to and so now he will listen to me and even reads the Book of Mormon with his family now and is praying!! Even more, he came to church on Sunday with his family!!! Only like the second time ever and even though he had to work the night shift the day before, he still decided to come with no sleep. I know that has affected Karen`s decision as well and I know that I am supposed to be here on a mission and in this sector for a reason. Even if it is only because I look like another missionary, as long as it could help someone receive the gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives, then I am happy!
Welp I hope everything has been going great at home and that everyone is reading their scriptures everyday. I know the Book of Mormon has great power that we can benefit from everyday. We need the blessings of our Heavenly Father in our lives everyday, it all just depends on us and our obedience. I love you all soooo much!!
con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney