Hey everyone!
Everything is going
great here in Cauquenes and since the town is so small we basically know our
way around, so that has been much better! We have seen lots of blessings here
and hope to be able to keep exciting the members here to go back to church! We
have had some powerful lessons with lots of less-actives and have already seen
some of them come to church this past week and hope to be able to help even
more. Also as I think I said last week, the people are a lot more receptive and
we were able to find 11 new investigators this week! Including a family of 4
with two daughters that love basketball and English so that has been fun! We
are excited for them. When we got here the teaching pool was basically empty so
we have been working hard to find some more people to teach.
Also it rained
3 days non-stop this week so that was fun...kinda... haha. But nothing stops
the work of the Lord and our energy either! Okay this is going to be a short
one today since we get to talk on Skype on Sunday!! And I have been emailing
some converts from my past sectors and so family you will just have to wait for
awesome stories when I get home :) However, this sector is so much different
than my last one and on Thursday we first taught a drunk man (husband of a recent
convet...we didn`t realize it until we started talking...haha) then we taught a
Gypsee (I think that`s what Gitano is in English?) who started talking
some weird language between themselves and the spirit was not there at all and
we got out as fast as we could.... then we taught an angry recent convert who
was mad about something that another member said about her... so things are
always interesting here haha. But really though I love it!! I had 3 different
people tell me that I had an "angel" with me and that I should make
sure and take care of it. I am pretty sure they meant the Holy Ghost, but it
was super sweet.
Anyways, I love the
mission so much and Hna Oronà is amazing and I feel like we are always busting
up laughing. I feel so grateful to be here in Cauquenes and to be serving in la
mision Chile Concepcion. I love you so much family and that is so happy to hear
that you are doing missionary work there at home with the Gladys Knight
fireside! Keep up the good work and talk to you Sunday! And I am soooo excited
for you Brad and Carli to welcome in my newest niece into the world hopefully
this week!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Anita (our investigator!) at church and Nelly
Pic of the little town from a hill that we ran up to in the
My sweet Chilean hoodie!
With our district eating an amazing american breakfast with
the senior couple (the Scholes) here!!!!
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