Yet another great week here in Chile.! This week was a bit crazy too since we had to change houses, but we got some good brothers in the ward to help us and we got everything moved and unpacked in less than an hour and a half. In our new house we can at least shower with two hands! No more holding up the hose thing over our heads the whole time!

We had another mini-cambio this week, but this time I stayed in our sector and Hna Lovell went to the other one. I was just a tad nervous about only being in the area for 3 weeks and then trying to show my companion around for the day (Hna Canari from Peru) ... However it went really well and I knew way more than I thought I did! We had a great day with a Family Home Evening (picture included) and I actually liked being in charge a little bit for once, but I know I still have lots to learn.
This Sunday we had the best family come to church all together, even the dad! The mom and her 3 kids have come before, but this time the dad came too! We went and made french toast for them at their house as a little bit of an incentive for the dad to come and it worked! They all really enjoyed church and the mom, dad, and 2 kids who are old enough to be baptized have a date in October. The only problem is that the dad works out of town for 15 days at a time (like most dads here) so that´s kinda a bummer, but they are awesome!

Highlight of the week was definitely Francisco´s baptism! So about two hours before the baptism Hna Lovell and I went to the chapel to make sure the Elders had turned on the font and everything was going good. Well of course we go and there is barely any water and it is ice cold. The font takes about 3 hours to fill up to a comfortable height with warm water and so we were freaking out just a little bit. We tried to turn on the warm water, but it wasn´t really coming out so our last option was to go to the kitchen and boil water there and take buckets full of hot water into the font... Haha did about 15 trips until we realized that it was going to take forever (picture included) The bishop said he would be over soon, but in Chilean terms that means in about an Hna Lovell and I did the only other thing we knew how to do which was pray. We knelt down there and left it in the hands of God. The font was filling up some, but it was freezing cold water. We told Francisco right as he was about to go in that we were so sorry but that the water was freezing. The baptism still went on and it was one of the most incredible things I have seen here yet. He bore his testimony afterwards of how he knew God was happy with him and that he was going to keep moving forwards and going to church every
Sunday. He´s such a good kid and it´s incredible to see him changing his life for the better. The service went so well and we even had about 40-50 members show up to support him! MILAGRO #1!! Then Hna Lovell and I went to clean the font afterwards and the water was warm! MILAGRO #2! Scientifically it makes no sense in my mind, but it was warm! Even Francisco afterwards said it felt really warm to him. It just strengthened my testimony even more that this is God´s work. We as missionaries are just here to help guide people to the right path and incapacitate them so that they can receive their own answers and God can perform miracles.

My testimony of prayer has been strengthened soooo much while here on the mission. I have prayed more than I ever have before in my life and with more of a true intent than ever before. I have no doubt in my mind that God answers our prayers and performs miracles everyday.
I am more pumped than I ever have been before about conference this weekend! We are trying to get as many people as we can to come to hear from our living prophet and apostles. We have been telling them all to come to conference with at least one question in mind that they want answered and I challenge you all to do the same. It is one of the greatest blessings that we have a prophet today that can lead and guide us back to our Heavenly Father. Well I love you all so much and keep updating me on everything!
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