
Wowzass I`m beginning to think that there will never be a normal week here in the mission. Transfers were today and I will be staying in Santa Sabina with my comp Hna Lovell, but she leaves early in 4 weeks so we`ll see what happens then! Also 2 more Hnas are coming to live with us though and share the ward and I am super pumped about that. The ward boundaries are HUGE and there is so much potential. Also I found out that we have about 15 new pet slugs that like to just chill in our bathroom and kitchen every night at about
3 am. One night I woke up to use the bathroom and just about woke up the neighbors when I saw them all. The next night of course I had to see if it was a normal habit for the slugs and so I set an alarm to wake up at the same time and sure enough there they were just hanging in our shower. We have still yet to cure the problem, but we`re working on it.

So Santa Sabina is such a great ward. My comp says she has never seen a ward like this ever outside of the US and I am pretty pumped to be working here! Since we didn`t know anyone or how to get anywhere, we decided to work with the members and the investigators of the Elders. I think the members trust us a lot now and we got tons of great references! We even had a baptism this Sunday! Pedro was baptized and he`s a champ. He`s got Parkinson`s Disease and so mentally he`s all there, but physically not too much. He`s niece is on a mission and he loves reading the scriptures. We were mostly excited about Mariana`s baptism yesterday though!!! I love her sooo much and she is super cool. Reminds me a ton of my friends in Monterrey. We were bummed we had an emergency transfer the week right before, but all of her nonmember family came! The president even gave us special permission to call her right after and she just seemed soooo happy!! Ahh moments I`ll never forget.

It really is so true that when we follow the commandments, we will be happy. Heavenly Father loves us so much that he has given us guidelines that we should follow for our own happiness in this life and in the one to come. He only asks us to be obedient and we are promised eternal life and everlasting happiness. What more could you ever want? Who knows better God? I am so grateful for the sacred scriptures that we have and especially the Book of Mormon. I have gained such an appreciation for the Book of Mormon and it brings an incredible spirit. It is so important to read it everyday!! But really!
Well I love you all and am so glad that everyone is doing well and having a good time together. Cuidanse muchisimo y les quiero tanto!
Hermana Romney
1) Julia and her Fam
2) Mariana and the necklace she made me!
3 and 4) from our morning run - you can see the ocean from that hill!
5) Pedro`s baptism
you ll be in my hearth forever brook i mi you
i will love you forever brook
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