Hola familia y amigos!

¿Còmo estan todos? So today has been just a rush of emotions. First off, my mom is "dead" and I "killed" her! (That`s what they call it when your trainer completes her mission and I was her last companion.) I said goodbye to her this morning and since she is leaving two weeks before the cambio (to spend more time with her parents in Argentina), I`ll be in a trio for two weeks with the other two Hermanas in our ward. It`s weird to even think about being here with out Hna Lovell, but it`s time to grow up now and I`m excited for the change. I already miss her so much and am so grateful for all of the things that she taught me.I will admit though that having your companion go home is just about the most "trunky" (homesick) thing ever. For a while it felt like I was going home with her too, but that is definitely not the case haha. I`ve got lots adventures ahead of me and lives to change!! Also I am done with my training and no more 12 semanas for me! However, these next two weeks I think will be quite interesting. I`ll be with Hna Batuirtè from Brazil and Hna Skirvin from California. They are both superstars and it should be a good time. The only thing I`m sort of freaking out about is that we will still have two sectors and one companionship. We share the ward, but we have to keep both Santa Sabina A and Santa Sabina B alive and full of investigators for when my new companion comes in two weeks. Juggling both will be quite a task, but the plan is just to go on divisions with as many members in the ward as possible and have faith that Heavenly Father will help us.

With it being Hna Lovell`s last week, we wanted to finish strong and that`s just what we did. We ended up completing the mission standards of excellence and gave our sector a kick-start. There was even a mini-cambio thrown in there where Hna Alvarez from Nicaragua came to our sector while my trainer went to hers. We had a pretty good day planned ahead of us full of lessons with members, but of course they all fell through (common quality of Chileans, I love them to death, but dependability is not one of their best qualities haha). However, as always, God had a better plan for us ahead where we needed to help and find those who need the gospel at this moment. I`ll tell you we sure walked a lot that day, but Heavenly Father put incredible people in our path who we were able to share the redeeming message of Jesus Christ with. If we are just humble and willing to accept the challenges of life, we will be shaped into the people that God needs us to be, to help His children.
Funnies: (This section is dedicated to my girl Sister Asay :) haha)
- This week I learned that Panitas (Chicken liver) tastes like dog food. AKA - nasty stuff that no one should eat. That`s where napkins, pockets, and good distracting conversation comes in handy. Successfully saved my stomach and taste buds with that one.

- We found a wallet this week in the street and obviously wanted to return it. We looked for the guy`s house for about an hour until we finally found it. We knocked on the door and only his mom was home and as soon as she opened the door I started telling her that we have been looking for her for a long time and she immediately cut me off and said no, that she didn`t want to hear anything. Again we tried to tell her that we were missionaries and once again we were cut off. After the third time of her practically yelling at us and telling us not to insist, we whipped out her son`s wallet and she immediately felt so bad and started telling us to come in and if we wanted juice or something to eat. Bhaha she felt so bad which of course we told her that it was okay and it was totally normal, but boy I sure hope she`ll think twice the next time missionaries come to her house.
Well I hope that everyone had a great thanksgiving and happy birthday Mom!! Please keep Karen, Roxana and Ricardo, Nicole and Maria Eugenia in your prayers! I love you all so much and keep sending me pictures of the family! Remember to be good so that you will be happy.
con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
- birthday cupcakes we made for Hna Baturitè
- A less active family that we reactivated and they now call us "their" missionaries :)
- Birthday celebration for our investigator Karen (shes in the purple)!
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