¡'Buenos Dias!
I hope this week was just as great for everyone at home as it was here. First off, Javier finally got baptized!!! The first time that we taught him was in December of 2013, but his mom, Maribel, was less-active in the church and it didn`t look like she was too excited to come back. However, their family was in a little bit of a crisis and needed help and so we arrived just at the right time. Well finally after she has become active again and we have taught her son Javier, he was able to enter the waters of baptism and make eternal covenants. His father, Carlos, who has been somewhat receptive also was able to attend and so we are hoping that we can help him follow the example of his son and be baptized as well so that they can become an eternal family and get sealed in the temple for time and all eternity!! Javier was grinning from ear to ear after his baptism and both Hna Lino and I noted that he had a new light to him afterwards and just looked so happy. Also Maribel came up to us after the baptism with tears in her eyes and just expressed her gratitude towards us for all that we have been able to help them do. As well as Javier, it has been amazing to see how Maribel has changed by coming back to church. The first time we were able to teach her she was just so negative about everything and now even she herself says that she sees things in a new light and is smiling so much more. I love seeing REAL change in others when they accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives!!
The rest of this week was also great. On Tuesday our District Leader asked us if we would teach the class to everyone, so Hna Lino and I got to teach everyone how to invite people to baptism with a date all in the first lesson! It went great and it probably helped us more than anyone else, but it went good. :) Then the Elders in our ward (who are crazy) decided to invent an activity at the last moment and of course wanted Hna Lino and I to teach the spiritual part so we had an object lesson on Lehi`s Dream and that was fun! Haha. Also we had some crazy fuerte lessons this week with new investigators that we found. Including two people who told us that they did not want to live in this moment and the thing they wanted most was to pass onto the next life. It really is incredible how many people out there need help and need to know that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us so much that he sent His son to the earth to pay the price for our sins so that we can return to live with Him in eternal happiness. I have no doubt that there are so many people out there that need our help and need YOUR help. I encourage all of you to lend out a hand this week to someone who needs help, whether it is physically or emotionally. It will bless your life and bless the life of someone else.
Well we have to go since I am going to be the first client of Alejandra (new convert of about 2 months now) who just opened up a massage room in her house. I am excited, yet a little bit nervous about it, but I hope it will at least be relaxing. Haha. Bryce congrats on your new Vocal Point CD release and for reaching #35 on Itunes!!! Daddy thank you so much for always going out with the missionaries there at home and for sharing your study of Preach My Gospel with me. Mom, thank you a million for the birthday package that I couldn`t wait to open up! It was perfect and you always know exactly what I need! Hope everyone is well and I love you all so much!
Hermana Romney
Pics from the baptism and our Noche de Hogar
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