¡Hola Hola!
Did everyone just absolutely love General Conference this weekend?? It really was so great and just what I needed and I hope what our investigators needed to be spiritually fed. This week our whole focus was on getting investigators, new converts, and less-actives to come to church to see conference. It involved lots of running around to try and pick up as many as we could and getting members to drive them there, but it was so worth it! We wanted each of them to bring 3 dudas or doubts with them that they had about the church or what they should do in their lives and I am excited to meet with them later this week and see how that went. I as well decided to bring 3 doubts and questions with me and all 3 of them were perfectly answered! I really felt like the leaders of the church were talking directly to me. It is incredible how Heavenly Father can answer our prayers! I know that He really wants to answer them and as long as we are listening, we will receive answers to them!
I have some new goals from conference that I want to work on and one of those is to really build up each of my companions that I am with. I loved the talks on gratitude, communication, the Atonement, loving others, and of course about missionary work!! I haven`t had anyone throw food or spit on me yet like in Elder Holland`s talk, but I can sure relate to that Sister Missionary! There were so many great messages and I wish that we could have another conference next weekend and every weekend after that! During almost every talk that I heard, one of our investigators or a member popped into my head that they need this message or something that would help them. I love the opportunity we have as missionaries to be able to concentrate all of our time and efforts on helping others to be happy and have Eternal Life!
So turns out Fernanda`s baptism will have to be postponed a little bit. Her grandmother is the one who is a member and supports her, but apparently her Father is second guessing if she should get baptized or not. We had a lesson with all 3 of them this week and we were able to help her Father understand a little bit better the why of baptism and he is committed to read 2 Nephi 31 and pray about it. Hopefully he will come around soon and maybe we will even be able to have 2 baptisms instead of 1! However, Javier is set to go this weekend for his baptism. His mom this week wanted to push back his baptism again until the end of April because they wanted to buy him a big cake and wouldn`t have money until the end of the month to do that... dumbest reason ever haha. If a cake is what is impeding someone to have the opportunity to enter into the Celestial Kingdom someday, then I would gladly use my own money to buy a giant cake to be able to help them to have Eternal Happiness!!! But we cleared that all up and Hna Lino and I will be making a sweet cake for him! :) Evelyn went to conference with her 3 doubts and so we have Faith that conference was able to help her as well! Everyone else is doing good too, sometimes progressing slower than we want, but sure and steady!
Today Roxana (our convert in December) took my comp and I today to go see the Huascar (a Peruvian boat that Chile captured) so my comp could see something from her country! But of course with our luck it was closed today...hahah but we got to see it from a distance at least and spent all morning with Roxana. Mom I felt like I was back at home going around with my mom again running errands and looking for clothes! It was so nice and I love that family so much.
Well I love all of you my family so much and I hope that all of you were spiritually fed this weekend with conference and if you didn`t get to see all 4 sessions, I invite you to watch all of them online! Our leaders receive revelation from God for us in our day! How incredible is that! I hope especially that you all can take Elder Ballard`s advice and follow up on talking with others about the gospel and to study Preach My Gospel as well. I would love to hear how your study has been going in PMG as well! Hope you all have a fantastic week and stay strong in the Faith!
Con mucho amor,

Hermana Romney
Opps... forgot the pics:
With Roxana, the boats in Talcahuano, and an old Texas sweatshirt in the Ropa Americana.
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