¡Hola Hola mis seres queridos!
I hope this week has been great for everyone and Happy Birthday Brielle!! So now here in Chile we have entered into Fall and we had the first big rain storm of the year and it was pouring!! It was also the first time my comp had even seen rain in real life! She is from Lima Peru and it never rains there and so this was the first time she has ever been in rain! She told me she has never even seen lightening in real life either! Crazy! But she was so cute and I thought she was going to melt in the rain at first haha but she`s a trooper and now we just need to go get some good rain boots and we will be ready to go! Also it has gotten colder here so far, but not near as cold as it will be in winter!

This week we got two new Elders in our ward who came from the mission in Venezuela since all of the foreigners got kicked out, so we are back to 6 missionaries in the ward again! So this week was really good and we were able to work really well with the members. It is kind of nice to stay in a sector for a while because you get to know everyone really well!
Okay so I really don`t have much time to write this week, but Fernanda is progressing so much and so is Javier and we are still set for their baptisms on the 12th. Also Fernanda drew a picture of me which I will attach in the email! She calls me Hermana Robney.... but close enough!! Haha she says I am a Rock Star because I played my Ukelele for them one time and she really liked it haha.

This week I had to give a talk in church too about baptism and the Holy Ghost and it turns out that I think I talked for about 15 minutes or maybe longer.... I didn`t even realize that the time had gone by so fast and then the Bishop had to put a note up on the pulpit to tell me it was time and I needed to finish... hahaha. I realized that I am really used to teaching lessons and not giving talks..... but it turned out well in the end!! I mean when you ask a missionary to talk about Baptism and the Holy Ghost, I have a lot to say!!! Hahah. But I wanted more than anything to invite all of the members to invite at least one person to General Conference this weekend! Ahhh by the way I am soooo pumped for Conference! Mom and Dad I am jealous that you are going to witness it in person, but I am so glad that we will be able to bring a lot of investigators to see it as well. That is my invitation as well to all of you this week, that you can invite a friend who isn`t a member or perhaps a less-active to the conference so that they can hear from a Prophet of God. I love you all so much and stay strong always in the Gospel!!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Pics: The drawing, celebrating Hna Skirvin`s birthday with Chinese food, and our converts taught us how to make Chilean Sopaipillas!!! Soo Good!
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