¡Hola Hola!
¿Còmo ha sido este semana para todos? It`s been another great week here in Santa Sabina and the mission is just as great as ever! So many great memories made and life changing moments that I will remember forever. This past week as we had breakfast with the Mission Presidents and the other Hermanas in our zone, it hit me that I am now one of those missionaries who I looked up to when Mom and Dad were serving in Mexico. I remember that I always had so much admiration for all of those missionaries who came over to have their last supper before they went home. They always had such strong testimonies and funny stories that they would tell. Well this past week it hit me that I was one of those missionaries telling funny stories and laughing till it hurt while President Arrington would translate for his wife just like Dad used to do for Mom! It hit me that I now have my own crazy stories to tell and experiences from the mission that will affect me for the rest of eternity. However, I still have lots of time left and lessons to be learned in the next 11 months, so bring it on!
This week was so much better than the last! We were able to have Javier, Fernanda, and Evelyn come to church all with a date for the
12th of April! Fernanda is the grand daughter of Alejandra who got baptized last month and just came to live with her from Antofagasta, so we are excited for her! She is one of the best investigators I have had. Our first lesson we left her the pamphlet for the Restoration and she read all of it in two days and underlined every word that she didn`t understand and answered all of the questions in the back!! She has read everything that we have left her and she is so excited to get baptized and go into the "pool" as she calls it! And she is only 9 years old! It is crazy how she does things that not even adults do...! She just has the purest desire to follow Jesus Christ and we are pumped for her. Evelyn is progressing like crazy and is already in Mosiah 21 of the Book of Mormon! Javier is doing great too and we even had an activity
this Saturday where we played basketball with the other Elders, some members, and our investigators!
So this week Hermana Lino has been learning lots of English. This week we focused a lot on the pronunciation and for the whole day we had to practice how to say words in English that start with an S. For example to say "stop" she would always say "estop" or "estart". Haha. It cracks me up, but she has been getting so much better!!!
Well I have got to go, but this I am so glad that all is well at home and I got my package from home today!! Thank you so much mom and thank you cousins and family for the sweet Valentines notes. It made my day for sure! Also happy late birthday Blake! I love you all sooooo much and continue to keep sharing the gospel in anyway you can!
Hermana Romney
From our zone activity making a pyramid, our activity playing basketball, and my comp Hna Lino is a Wiz Kid at doing braids and did this one in my hair yesterday!!
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