¡Hola Buenos Dias!
Alright so transfers were today, but turns out that I will still be kicking it in Santa Sabina for another 6 weeks making it 6 months in total at the end of this transfer! However, the other Hnas that we live with will sadly be leaving us :( And just when Hna Baturite was really helping me learn lots of Portuguese :( Their sector will be closing and so we will be back down to 4 missionaries in our ward. Two Elders and two Hermanas now. I think it will be really strange to live with just Hna Lino, but I am super happy that we are staying together!! I don`t have to let my hija go just yet!! We still have lots of work to do together here in Santa Sabina so let the good times keep rolling.
Also I let my comp cut my hair today....not quite professional, but she did a good job and the best part was that it was free! (Yes I am my father`s daughter). I just may need to get a good hair cut when I get back... but for the mission, it is great!
This week was another good one full of miracles! So this week I started to feel a little bit sick for the first time here on the mission, but we had a full day planned ahead of us and there was no time to be sick. So I decided to get down on my knees and pray and ask Heavenly Father to make me feel better or at least make some of it go away. I told him that I had the Faith that if we went out even when I didn`t feel well, that he would help me so that we can help more of His children. And guess what? It totally worked!! Just a little bit after we left I started feeling better and as the day went on, I totally forgot that I wasn`t feeling good and we had a great day! I know that God really is a God of miracles. I know that with Him, we can do way more than we ever thought and will have "strength unknown to man". Anyways, that was just one of the many sweet experiences that happen every week as a missionary!
Also this week
on Friday we had Elder Zeballos (of the seventy) who is from Chile, come and talk to us. It was sooo great!!!! He talked a lot about that we need to be converted from the heart and have our missionary purpose deep inside our heart. To be able to do everything we can to help others during our short time as missionaries. To just try and do a little bit more and be a little bit better than yesterday. That concept really applies to all of us about how we all just need to try just a little bit harder to be a little bit better. I know we all have things to work on and during our journey in life, our job is to try and become a little bit more like Christ everyday so that we can return to our Father in heaven. Elder Ballard also talked with our mission president not too long ago and promised us here in Chile Concepcion that if every one of us missionaries contacted at least 10 people everyday, that we would see a huge success. That more people would receive the Gospel and we would have more baptisms as a result. I also invite each one of you back at home that you can try and talk to one person a day about the gospel. Just one person whether it is at the super market or out on a walk, just start talking with someone and there is always a way to bring the conversation to the Gospel.
Well we are hoping that Javier and Francisca will be able to get baptized her this weekend or the next. Our investigators are doing great and sorry I don`t have much more time to talk about them, but I LOVE the Chilean people!!!!! They are so hilarious and are "buena gente". I hope you all have an amazing week and keep sharing the Gospel whenever and wherever you can. It really does change lives!! Love you all sooooo much!!!
Hermana Romney
1) Family Home Evening where I taught everyone how to make brownies!!!
2) Conference with the Pulsiphers -they are like my second parents here and they leave this month ;((
3) Just grillin a real Chilean Asadoooo!!!! So good!
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