¿Como estan todos, que me cuenten de este semana? ¡Ojala que todos esten muy bien!
So this is going to be a short one this week since we went to the playa today!! We had a zone activity at the beach here in Talcahuano where we played some sand volleyball and ate choripan since this will be our last P-day as a zone since transfers are next week! I have been here in Santa Sabina for 3 transfers now, so I could go, but I really don`t want to!! I love the people here sooooo much and they really have become my family away from home. Also Karen (recent convert) told me to send "saludos" to the family.

This week one of our focuses was on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Everyday we tried to read a little bit on the Atonement and ponder it throughout the whole day. Wow what a difference that makes! I know I still have so much more to learn and understand, but as I try to imagine the sacrifice that our Redeemer went through for us so that we can have Eternal Life and live with our families forever, I am filled with gratitude and love. Love to know that someone cares enough for me and everyone else that has ever lived to be able to go through unimaginable pain for us. Even when He didn`t do anything wrong and was in fact perfect. I invite all of you to read Luke 22:39-44 and to remember the sacrifice that our brother has made for all of us. A sacrifice that makes it possible for us to repent and be forgiven for our errors. How great a message we as missionaries have to share!!! I know that even when I think that being on a mission is hard, or I am tired, or my body hurts, or everyone is rejecting us, it is not even close to what He went through. I know that we can`t expect Eternal Life to be easy or a mission to be easy because it was never easy for Him. There is no other way than to go through moments that are hard and will refine us so that we can progress. Yet how wonderful it is to know that we can repent and He will forgive us!!!! Ahhh I just love this Gospel!!!

As far as our investigators go, they are doing great and we really saw progress this week! Francisca`s baptismal date is this Saturday, but we have to make sure of a few things first, but pray for her! Also we had such an awesome Family Home Evening with Barbara yesterday. She is 19 years old and reminds me so much of myself and my friends in Mexico ( that I miss soooo much!!) She loves music and so we got to sing a little bit with some other members and she busted out singing "Stay" by Rihanna, so of course we are soul sisters already :) She told us she felt the spirit so strong and now really wants to take everything really seriously and read better than she has been doing. It was awesome! Javier also has his baptismal date soon and he loved church yesterday! I love seeing investigators progress, even if sometimes it is slower than I want! Also Roxana and Ricardo (recent converts) started commenting in our class on Sunday about how they are going to have an eternal family soon when they are able to go to the temple!!! Wooooo!!!!
I hope everyone has had just a lovely week and thank you for all of the support and love. You guys really are the best and I love you lots!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
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