¡Hola Hola!

Isn`t life good? I hope we all can agree that it is very good. I know we have a heavenly father who looks out for us and can work miracles through us if we are willing to do His will.
Sunday at church was awesome and it is such a good thing that there are 3 of us in our companionship! 8 of our investigators came
this Sunday so Hna Ayuso, Hna Love, and I get to split up and sit with them! We had Ivan, Diego, and Cony (Ivan`s daughter that is going to seminary now) come to church!! Ivan was soooo happy that his daughter finally came with him and she loved it, so we have high hopes for her. She just has big fears to leave her evangelica church with all of her friends, but she is taking huge steps. Ivan and Diego stood up during sacrament meeting as they announced their baptisms
this Saturday!!!!! We just have to find white pants long enough for Diego now since he is taller than me! They both told us they are anxious for
this Saturday and can`t wait! Elsa also came who is our investigator that still has to wait for her pareja (boyfriend) to get a divorce and then get married to him before she can get baptized. She knows that everything is true, but is sad that she has to wait to get baptized. Actually it is really cool because Elsa`s daughter is named Scarleth who is a less-active and is the girl friend of Diego. Funny how that happened right?? So we are reactivating her too. Hna Love sat with all of them.

Then we had Carmen and Antonella (her 9 yr old granddaughter) come who have baptismal dates set for the
29th of November. Carmen actually almost got baptized about 8 years ago when her son died the day before her baptism.... hard situation there, but she is regaining her faith. She loves the church, but she just has a huge fear that if she starts coming again, that something bad will happen again. Antonella LOVES church and every time that we come. She is adorable. So Hna Ayuso sat with them.
I finally sat with Johana and Sebastian who are hopefully getting married this month or the beginning of December. They really want to be baptized too, but their relationship isn`t too strong so we need to work a little bit on that since it is impeding them from getting married right now. They have 2 kids named Maxi and Trinidad.
So it was a crazy Sunday to say the least, but incredible. We actually reached the ward goal of having 120 people in church yesterday!!! We are making history here in Copihues. With my comps we always laugh at the fact that we are just like Moms at church since we have to bring snacks and crayons every Sunday to help all of the kids. Good practice I guess haha. Mom, I don`t know how you did it with 6 kids and with Dad having to sit on the stand most of the times, but you really are Wonder Woman.
Well I just feel so lucky that Heavenly Father trusts us in teaching so many of his prepared children. We are seeing so much progress and we are constantly running around every day going from one cita to the next. I love it! I recently have learned so much about Diligence. PMG says, “Diligence is steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing the Lord’s work.
We have made a huge effort to be diligent in all things and the Lord is blessing us for it. I am so grateful everyday to be a missionary and wouldn`t change my experiences for the world. I love you all so much.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Tennis this morning!!! At zone conference. Playing soccer with the hermanas.
Ohh and that is my "granddaughter" Hna Lance in the second picture with Hna Lino!