So this week has been amazing and we have had so many miracles
happen. I am convinced that it is because we have Hna Love with us and
there are always miracles when you are with brand new missionaries.
Our trio has been going GREAT and we all 3 get along great and have
had no problems at all, so that makes me so happy. Actually my fear is
that maybe we get along too well and are constantly laughing instead
of being a little bit more concentrated in the work, so that is a goal
of ours to be better! It has been interesting having Hna Love with
mini-cambios, but she is awesome at helping and I think it`s a good
way for her to learn. On Tuesday we had a mini-cambio where another
brand new hermana came to my sector while Hna Ayuso and Hna Love went
to another and that was quite a riot. Probably one of the strangest
mini-cambios I have had due to a few problems the new missionary is
facing, but we had a study with us 5 and things have been getting
This Sunday was probably one of the most stressful Sundays I
have had here on the mission. So we had 3 investigators come: Johana y
Sebastian, and Ivan (his family couldn`t come this Sunday, but they
will the next). While we were all sitting in sacrament meeting, there
were sooo many kids making so much noise!! We had the kids of Flavio
and Pilar coming over to us every 5 seconds wanting to play and others
that had toys that made loud noises, so us missionaries were a little
bit stressed trying to make it a spiritual experience for our
investigators. I don`t think I have ever prayed so hard for our
investigators to feel the spirit in chuch. It was Ivan`s first time to
come to church and he is so ready for the gospel!! He is a successful
buisness man and when we invited him to baptism on our first visit
this week with him and his family he said, "Yes, that is what I want"
and it was so amazing! He accepted a date to be baptized for the 8th
of November, so we are hoping it all goes well. Anyways, so we were
really worried that he wouldn`t like it when church ended, but he told
us, "Hermanas I`ll be here next sunday for sure and I`ll make sure to
bring my family too." It was so awesome and such a relief to us. Then
we went and had a visit with Johana and Sebastian that night and they
told us that they just want us to teach them and that this is what
they want. They even told me that if everything goes well, that they
will be married and baptized before I leave this sector!! Their
homework is to pick a date when they want to be married and then get
baptized shortly after and it was incredible. Of course they all still
have doubts, but the desire is there and I feel so grateful to have
found these people and to teach them now! It is incredible how the
Lord is in charge of His work and even if church is a little crazy,
the Spirit still can testify that these things are true. So I learned
a big lesson this week to not stress too much and just trust in the
Lord because He will work miracles if we are doing all that we can.
Another thing that I realized this week is that a big reason why
I needed to come on the mission was to know my Savior better. As I
read the scriptures and really feel the atonement working in my life,
I feel so much closer to Him than I ever have before. I mean I grew up
in the church, but I have never studied so deeply and realized how
much I really do need Christ in my life. My mission has given me a
perspective of what is really important. I am reading Jesus the Christ
and absolutely LOVE it and should be finishing it soon. I have been
trying to read it slowly to really take in everything and apply it to
my life and it has been going great. Ahhh this gospel is the best.
Everyone needs the comfort that it brings us!!
Well, time is up, but I love you family and thank you for all of
your prayers for me and our investigators. Chau chau!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Pic of Gigi (was less active who now went to the temple on Sat and
wants to be a missionary!! We made that little name tag for her :))
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