How has this week been for everyone? I just love being able to email every week and getting energized from the support and love I feel from each one of you! So as the title of this email gives away...KAREN GOT BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY AND CONFIRMED ON SUNDAY!!! WOOOOOOO! We were sooo pumped for her and she was glowing so bright that day! After about 3 years of meeting with at least about 20 different missionaries, she was able to receive the saving ordinance of baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. She was finally able to take that step forward and progress towards Eternal Life. I think it was one of the most anticipated baptisms this ward has seen since she almost got baptized about 3 different times. Lots of members showed up to since quite a few of them said they had to see it to believe it. Haha. The spirit was so strong and Karen felt it too. Us Hermanas sang a Child`s Prayer and her mom gave such a sweet testimony. I have to admit that for a while at the beginning I was really iffy about teaching her since so many missionaries have taught her and she was still smoking.
Alright not much time, but this week has been great working with the members and getting our investigators to progress. I love you all so much and don`t ever let go of the Iron Rod!!!! Read, pray, and go to church everyday. You will see the difference and will be blessed for it. This gospel is so powerful and absolutely true. Keep the Faith strong and don`t ever forget that Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of you.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
1) Instagram pic: caption: Making cupcakes for Karen`s baptism!! #savingsouls (sorry emailing is the only thing close I have to social media on the mission :))
2)Isn`t she glowing??
3)Karen with all of the other missionaries that have taught her!
4)Goofing around with the family
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