So first off, the computer cafe where we are right now had a problem with the computers (no surprise) haha and so I don`t have any time at all. However, this week has been great and definitely an emotional one! I am not sure what is in the air or what is wrong with me, but this week we had people crying to us just about everyday. I guess people just see us missionaries as people they can trust, because everyone seems to tell us all of their problems, especially this week. Also the other Hermanas who we live with have been having a hard time, so I have been trying to help with that as well. I don`t know if its because people see that I am emotionally stable or if there is just no one else to talk to, but it has been a good learning experience! I also just wanted to say thank you so much mom and dad for the wonderful childhood I was able to have and the support that you are for me. I really appreciate it soooo much more here on the mission. However, other than that, this week has been another great one! Hna Lino and I are working even more in union and every week I am more proud of my hija!
Also while being here on the mission, I realized how much I really LOVE reading the scriptures, especially about Alma and the Sons of Mosiah because I understand them now!! It is so incredible to read about their experiences preaching to the people and the hard times where they didn`t have success and then when they were able to baptize hundreds of people. I encourage all of you to try and have your own missionary experiences so that you can understand what the prophets of old felt like in the Book of Mormon. It really is such an awesome feeling to be able to relate with ancient prophets in the Americas! Haha. Well I love all of you so much and don`t have any more time, but I will write more next week and remember just to be good boys and girls.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
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