How has this week been for everyone?? Santa Sabina has been awesome and I just love it here in the mission. This week the other Hermanas in our ward had the baptism of Alejandra!! She is the sweetest lady and had such a sencire desire to know the truth. She was so happy as she came up out of the water and I had the opportunity to help teach her a few times so I was so happy for her as well!! Hermana Baturite asked me if I would sing with her during the service and even though we didn`t even get a chance to practice the song, it turned out so great! We sang "Divina Luz" ( I don`t even remember how it is called in English :)) but the spirit was so strong and we were so happy for her. Something about seeing people dressed in white makes me so happy!!
I feel like this week went by so fast, but so good as well. Karen our recent convert has been coming out with us a lot recently and she told us she has a dream to be able to go out and help all of the less-actives come back to church and so we are helping her make that come true! She is so pumped for the work and so are we! Everyone has still been going on vacations a lot so we have had to be very patient, but I have Faith that everything will work out in the Lord`s time.
This week we really got one of the "eternal investigators" to progress!! Her name is Francisca and her boyfriend is a member of the church and is less-active, but they are working hard to come back so that she can be baptized. This week Francisca expressed her desires to be baptized and to help her boyfriend come back to church and they both had tears in their eyes as she told us this. They finally both started reading like never before and this week they actually asked us for the first time when we can meet with them this week! You know they are good when they ask you that! We just have to help them both put their lives back in order so that they can both receive the blessings of the Gospel.
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