¡Buenos dias!
Okay so as the title of my email this week says, today we had a multi-zone activity where we went up to a ski resort and just got to go sledding and play in the snow. It was super fun (even though it killed not being able to go skiing) and it is gorgeous here. Last night we even got to have a big sleepover with 12 of us (we were just missing 2 of our hermanas)!!!! It was crazy, but I loved every minute of it. Hna Call and I did a dance for all of our hermanas since they all reached their 140 contacts, so I`ll try and send a video somehow.... but we have just been having a blast over here.

Work wise, this week has been so great with menos-activos!! We had some amazing lessons with them and they all came to church! There is a family in particular that we are working with - the familia Cares Garay. The parents of the 4 kids are not married and he is actually married to someone else and is just waiting for his divorce to be finalized at the end of August and then they can get married 1 month later, so hopefully we will have a wedding in about 2 months. The dad and two of the kids are members and they used to live in a beach town here until the huge Hurricane they had here took everything that they had away. They were left with nothing and lived in a mini-van for 6 months. Now they came here to Chillan and have been living in literally a metal box for 6 months. It had to have been one of the most humble living situations that I have ever seen. They didn`t want us to visit them, but as we insisted they let us. So their metal box has a bunk bed and 2 small mattress on the floor and that is it. There is no floor you can walk on and the whole thing is like a giant bed. Their kitchen is out side with a piece of metal covering it and there is no door, just a blanket. They have to use their neighbor`s bathroom or just go outside. I feel like I don`t do it justice, but it humbled me so much and just made me think how ridiculous it is that we sometimes complain about the color of our house, the decorations, or that it is too small or it looks old or whatever. That family has gone through soooo much and it amazes me that they all still had smiles on their faces and were doing good despite their circumstances.
It reminded me of Helaman 5:12 - And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon therock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.
I love that scripture and how they have been able to do that thorough all of their trials. We still have to help them build that foundation a little bit more by coming back to church and getting married and the mom getting baptized, but they are on their way!! I truly am so grateful for everything that I have - my family, friends, the gospel, my savior, my mission, and so much more.
Our week has been great and we even taught a woman who we are pretty sure that there is a demon inside of her, as she told us she is not herself and feels their is a bad spirit inside of her. Hna Call and I also felt a bad presence so strong in her home too. We left her house quickly after entering and will be bringing a priesthood holder to give her a blessing tomorrow. Creepy to say the least.
Then we finally got to buy gas and I had my first long shower in a month!! All of my showers as of now have been a quick 1 min rinse with freezing water and then washing my hair in the sink with warm water that we heated up. It`s been interesting but I am soo glad to have my warm showers back!
Well I`ve got to run, but thank you for everything family and know that I am being changed and refined as you always say Dad. I love you all so much and keep being strong in the gospel of Jesus Christ!!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Okay so I am trying to attach pics of the snow... but this computer is jank so it looks like it will have to wait or maybe I will use my comps computer.... we`ll see :)