Today as I sit here and write my weekly email to you all, I am just filled with gratitude for everything that the Lord has blessed me with. For little miracles that happen everyday, for hearing about converts from my other sectors that are preparing to go to the temple, for the hilarious and wonderful Chilean people that I get to teach everyday, for the person the Lord is shaping me into, for the opportunity I have to be a representative of Jesus Christ everyday, for the people supporting me at home, for the relatively comfortable life I have lived, for the trials and tough moments that we often have in the mission that makes me become stronger, for everything!!!! It is the miracle of a mission!!
Then we were able to keep helping Fernanda for her baptism this Saturday and she told us last night she is so excited! Ahhh I just feel like so much happens every week and I wish I could include it all! However, there`s not quite time for that and so I will just have to tell you guys about lots of stuff after.
To conclude, this morning I was studying a little bit about our purpose as missionaries to help some Hnas that have been struggling a little bit and I love the quote by President Howard W Hunter that says: “Surely taking the gospel to every kindred, tongue, and people is the single greatest responsibility we have in mortality. … We have been privileged to be born in these last days, as opposed to some earlier dispensation, to help take the gospel to all the earth”
It really hit me this morning that it is the MOST IMPORTANT thing we have to do. I love that I get to do that everyday and I invite everyone of you at home that you can always always be on the look for who to share the gospel with and little moments where you can help others. Life really is better as we focus on others. Have a wonderful week and I love you all soooooo much!!! Oh and Mom to answer your question about how I celebrated 1 year on the mission, yes I did burn a skirt! It was great!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Hermana Romney
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