!Hola Hola familia y amigitos!
Wow what a week!!! Probably one of the craziest in my mission so far (but I feel like I say that just about every week :D). The bad news was that I had to say goodbye to my companion Hna Call yesterday. She was the second companion that I have gotten to "kill" here in the mission. It was soooo hard to say goodbye to her, but we had an AMAZING last week together. Worked hard all the way up until the end! I have to admit that it was really trunky saying goodbye to her knowing that she is going back home (sometimes I felt that I was going with her haha). But I am so excited for this next transfer!!! Sooo my new companion is Hna Ayuso!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO!!!! We lived with each other actually here in Chillan when I was born and we got along soooo great. She is from Ecuador, but moved to Chile when she was about 11 and actually speaks pretty good English, so it will be a party. We lived here together until we all got emergency transfered out, so it will be interesting to see how it goes, but I am PUMPED!!!
Then, last Monday, we got a call from some of our hermanas in Yungay that said that they both got a really strong impression that something bad was going to happen and that there were some freaky things going on in their sector. After talking with president, he decided the best thing to do would be to have them come live with Hna Call and I for the next week! So this whole past week, we have had Hermana Garces (from American Fork) and Hermana Raziera (from Brasil) live with us and do splits everyday. Talk about double numbers!!!!!! It was a great experience and we saw tons of miracles! A few of which are:
5) Fernanda`s baptism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It went perfectly and she was so nervous, as was her dad, but it was so special. At the service, us Hermanas sang the primary song, "When I am Baptized" while I played the Ukelele (I have gotten pretty good at it BTW). Fernanda even was vomiting the morning of her baptism, but didn`t let that stop her and she was so happy. After, they took us to their house to celebrate with cake. On Sunday when she was confirmed, the Hermano who gave her the blessing blessed her to serve a full time mission!!! Yay for missionaries!!!
So along with Hna Ayuso being my new companion, I have to train her how to be a Sister Training Leader, so that should be an adventure since I am still trying to figure out what in the world I am doing... Haha. And on top of that, all of the 13 hermanas in our group are either training or doing follow up training, so lots of newbies!! Tomorrow there are 15 new Hermanas coming!!! 15!!! Mom and Dad, can you even imagine getting 15 new Hermanas in one transfer? Ahhh I love it!! I think we will have to do quite a few hermana estudios on adjusting to mission life. :) Ohh and my hija is training!!!!! Woooo Hna Lino!! I am going to be a grandma!!!
1) Nothing bad happened to the Hnas of Yungay (thank you spirit for that one!)
2) Michelle Bachelet, Chile`s President, came to Chillan Viejo on Tuesday and we almost got to go give her a Book of Mormon...
3) As we were walking to the baptism on Saturday, it was pouring rain (as always) and Hna Garces didn`t have an umbrella so I gave her mine telling her that my rain coat was good enough (even though I was getting soaked haha). Well I think I literally met an angel that day. A lady wearing this long white coat came up to us and asked us if we were missionaries and gave me her huge good umbrella. I tried to tell her I was fine, but she wouldn`t take no as an answer. I really believe she was a real life angel and we are going to send the other missionaries in her sector to teach her!
4) One of the members had their roof catch on fire from their estufa(fire place) and we happened to be walking by just as they were putting the fire out. They called us from the streets and asked us to come say a prayer with them and help them clean a little bit. I felt the spirit so strong as the member was saying the prayer in that house with ashes around us. I loved how she was so grateful even in a time like that. It was amazing that we happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Ahh it really has been an exhausting week, doing double plans everyday, but I wouldn`t have it any other way!! Thank you family for everything. Mom I am so glad that you learned so much at Education Week at BYU and you too Dad at the mission retreat. Isn`t life good? When we are living right and doing the things we are supposed to, Heavenly Father promises us forever happiness. Isn`t that what everyone strives for? Welp, I would say we have found the answer... The Gospel of Jesus Christ my friends. It`s that simple.
Well I hope you all have a fantastic week and I love you all!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
The parade for Michelle, Fernanda, Fernanda and her dad with their family and the Hermanas from Yungay!
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