However, how it usually is with holidays, work wise it was a little bit rougher. We got to teach lots of recent converts and less-actives in the activity with our "missionary room" that we created, so that was great. Lots of our investigators went out of town so we didn`t get to see them, but still had some solid lessons and are making progress with them! Pilar and Flavio were supposed to get married this Friday, but with a few problems in the Registro Civil, it may have to be pushed back until next week with her baptism too, but they are doing great and Fabian even got to bless the sacrament yesterday!! Soo happy them progressing so much!
I wish I could write so much more like every week, but I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying life. There is absolutely no other place I would rather be right now. I love you all and remember to share the gospel every chance you can! Dad, Mom, siblings - I love it when you guys write me about how you are sharing the gospel. Keep doing it!!!
Oh man, this was yet another amazing week in the mission full of all sorts of surprises and activities. We had a huge celebration on Thursday this week for Chilean Independence day!! There was so much good food!! They really go all out and I am pretty sure it is bigger than Christmas here. They started the party at the church at 8 am and it went until about 9 pm at night. We as the obra misional had to make chilenitos for the activity (photo attached). There was so much national pride and I even learned how to dance the Cueca (their national dance). Then some members let us borrow some of the Huasa dresses and we wore them for part of the activity. It was a blast.
Anyways, I don`t have much time to write, but this week was also great with a good mini-cambio where we were really able to help the other Hermanas who were struggling in a few aspects of the work. A few good goals can go a long way!!! Then Hna Ayuso and I taught an Hermana Study on good communication and read a great talk by Elder Holland with them. We made cookies for them and then had a relaxation exercise. I love our Hermanas sooo much!!!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
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