
Well this week started off with a miracle. Last P-day we were in the centro doing all of our normal things and we were walking in a big group and I feel someone tugging at my backpack and start to feel it and notice that it was open. Although I wasn't surprised because I do that often. So I turn around to close it and the women behind me sees my name badge and then quickly pulls my camera out of her jacket!! She said that the guy behind her tried to steal it and that I need to be careful with my things(lying of course....) but she totally tried to jack my camera... How grateful I am for my name badge that has JESUCRISTO in large font!! It was a miracle for sure because I would have lost all of my pictures otherwise...
The family Cares Garay is also doing awesome!!!!! They are making sure that everything will work out fine this week for their wedding next week.
Espero que todos han disfrutado este linda semana y que la vida es rica. So Hna Ayuso and I decided last week that we every other day would be English day where we only talk to each other in English so she can keep learning and it has been going great. I realized that honestly me da lo mismo if I am speaking in English or Spanish. It`s actually kinda cool and in my brain it sounds just about the same. Yay for the gift of tongues!!
Then on Tuesday, we get a call from the mission nurse saying that Hna Ayuso has a doctors appointment that same day in Conce at 7 pm. So we canceled our mini-cambio and headed to Conce and her foot is doing a little bit better (she has had problems her whole mission with it.) Then her eye starts to hurt, so the nurse made another appointment with the eye doctor for the next day in the morning. Anyways, it didn`t make sense for us to travel all the way back to Chillan just to head back the next day, so we had a genious idea. We called up Hna Arrington and asked if she would let us stay the night with her and President and she said yes!! So that was just a little tender mercy and Mom and Dad their house reminded me sooo much of the mission home in Monterrey! I felt like I was back in Mexico for the night and I loved it so much!! However, it was much better to get back the next day and to get out working once again! Even though Hna Ayuso`s foot hurts her, she is a trooper and doesn`t let anything stop her!! We are seeing miracles because of it!
We have been teaching a lot of investigators recently and Eduardo with his two teenage daughters are some of them. It was cool, because we were on the micro (bus) and naturally started talking to the guy next to me and told him we were representatives of Jesus Christ and are here to help him (I usually don`t introduce ourselves quite like that) but he told me right away that he needed help and told us to come to his house right away. So we got of the micro with him and he led us right into his house where we met his daughters. They have been having a really hard time since his wife just died a few months ago. We taught them the plan of Salvation and it was so powerful!! They are so ready for the gospel and are excited to come to church next week since they couldn`t come this week and be baptized in the near future too!! It was awesome and I love it that Heavenly Father puts the prepared people in our path. We just have to open our mouths.
Everyone is getting ready for deciocho this week!!!!! It`s Chilean Independence day and I am sooooo excited!!! It is a bigger celebration that Christmas here and the food is so good!!! Crazy that I will be able to celebrate it in the same ward that I did last year.... yay!!! Well I have to go, but I love you all so much!!!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
P.S. we went to that huge waterfall again today!!!!! Even better this time!!!! I`ll attach pics!
At the president`s house!!
With a few of our hermanas and with my comp!
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