Wow another week gone by in the mission! Time is going by sooo fast and I just want it to slow down! The rain here has been insane!!! Almost all of the streets are flooded and it rains non-stop. Last night we literally had to put our umbrellas in front of us and push along against the pouring fierce rain to walk. Although that didn`t last for long as then my umbrella flipped inside out and we are just wet down here in the South of Chile!!! But I love it!!!
Before I forget Mom, you asked me about the details of packages and stuff, so our mission has a blog and so you can look at all of that info here: http://chileconcepcionmission. infromation.html?view=classic
So today we are emailing a bit later because we just had Consejo (Leadership Council) with the Zone Leaders and the Hermana Leaders so that was awesome! We talked a lot about what we want to do with the mission about really having the focus being baptizing, reactivating, and retaining, not just baptizing. So in the next few weeks I think a few of the Key Indicators are going to be changed to have that focus. Elder Wadell (of the Seventy) came to our mission and talked about the missionaries today have a whole new focus from back in the day. We are missionaries 2.0. A whole different type that are not only focused on baptizing, but really building the church in whole especially since Chile has so many less-actives!!

So one awesome thing was that I got to see Jose Miguel (Julia`s son) pass the sacrament yesterday!!! He looked so happy and his dad was there too (non-member) and was so proud of him so we are excited to work with his dad too!!! Then the Bishop brought some less-actives and investigators to church and gave them to us the Hermanas to teach them! That was a miracle and he is one of the best Bishops I have ever seen! Also another miracle was that we found a less-active this week named Gustavo and got him to come to church with his daughter that is about to turn 10 that is not a member to church too!
I have been studying a lot about Faith and Hope these days and there really is a big difference between the two. Faith is related to what Jesus Christ did for us. Hope is related to what we believe and our desires for ourselves. I hope that makes sense. But there are so many people out there who need to grow in their hope of having eternal life and also in their Faith of Jesus Christ. If we really know that Jesus Christ is our savior and that because of Him we can live with our Heavenly Father again, then we can have hope in ourselves that we can have Eternal Life. Me cachay?? (You get me?) Haha
Well I am all out of time, but I love you all so much and thank you for all of the support and the stories of your mission too Dad. Thanks Mom for all of your great insights and siblings for your own missionary stories!!! You guys are the best!! Keep studying the scriptures daily so that both our Faith and Hope can increase!!!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
The Hermana Leaders. Oh yeah then one morning we had a youth conference here and I had these 4 girls accompany me the whole morning! It was awesome!
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