Okay so first thing off, cambios were today and I am going back to Copihues in Chillan Viejo!! The ward where I started my mission and was there for about 1 1/2 and then got emergency transferred out of there. President called me last night and extended the call for me to be an Hermana Training Leader as well. So hello to my own cell phone and to lots of mini-cambios! I am a bit nervous, but it should be good and I am excited for the new experiences. I also am going to be with Hermana Call, she is from Mexico, but is practically American and I already know her really well, so it should be a blast!!! I am super excited to go back to my old sector and see my converts from there!!! President told me that he knows that I have already been there, but he felt that it wasn`t enough time and that I needed to go back. So I know there are people waiting for us there!
So while today is going to be a little bit lame, since I hate saying goodbye, I am super excited for the new adventures with Hna Call. I am going to miss Hna Orona soooo much though!! Why do we have to have so many torn feelings sometimes?? Goodbye to the wonderful american breakfasts every Monday morning with the Scholes, to cleaning the church every Saturday morning and then playing fùtbol after, to cooking our own meals at least 2 times a week, to traveling an two hours every Tuesday for District meetings, and to all of the people that I love here.
That`s the beauty of life though right? That things are always changing and we have new opportunities to become the person that our Heavenly Father wants us to be. On Friday we had a branch movie night where we watched the Other Side of Heaven and boy did that make me sad to think about the moment when I will have to leave Chile. I have exactly 11 months in the mission right now and only 7 to go. How forever grateful I will be for this experience of being a missionary and I am excited for the time that still awaits me. Thank you family for the pictures and for the support!! You guys are the best. I love you sooo much!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
A few pics from the activity that I promised last week from the German town. We had to ride on this truck where we all felt like we were on an Indiana Jones adventure. Then last night Nicole, Mary, Maribel, and Hna Orona decided they wanted to pick me up... haha that was a riot.
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