¿Còmo estan todos? Espero que han tenido una semana genial! So right now as I am writing this, my hair is still a little wet from the going to a HUGE waterfall this morning in a zone activity!! A group of us got soaked because we decided to go behind the waterfall.. not very smart haha but it was so worth it. Mom and Dad, after your mission when we come back to visit Chile, we will have to go here! I`ll attach a few pictures.
On other news, we had a miracle happen. So remember the familia Cares Garay that I talked about last week? Well, we thought that everyone in the family was a member except for the mom because the parents are not married yet. Well apparently we heard wrong because when we went over to teach them on Friday night, the dad told us that he had a mission for us: to help Martina (11 yrs old) get baptized! I just looked at Hna Call as both of our eyes lit up and said yes of course! Since she has already been to church 2 times, we told them that she could be baptized on the 15th of August and they said yeah as soon as possible! So we have been going like crazy every day trying to teach Martina everything before her baptismal interview. She is so smart though and already knows everything so it has been no problem! She is super pumped and so are we!

One thing we have been focusing on a lot is reactivation! It is so true that if you want to baptize, you have to reactivate!!! We have just seen miracles one after another and I know that the Lord is blessing us. I am so happy for all of the progress we are seeing in these people. I have come to love them so much and love it even more that the Lord is blessing their lives since they have been coming back to church and keeping the commandments. It really is simple. Obey and you will be blessed. It`s all up to us. He is there wanting to bless us with open arms, but we have to earn it and follow His plan. I love everyone of you so much so you better be good boys and girls so that we can all have eternal life together!!! Have an amazing week and happy late b-day Dad!!
con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Pics from the waterfall and from the snow last week with all of our lovely Hermanas!
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