This Tuesday in District class we had to say which movie our comps would be. Hna Love said I was Lego World (never seen it...haha) but apparently everything is cool there and Hna Ayuso said I was High School Musical because I liked to play basketball and sing.....hahah pretty funny but true. Then I said Hna Ayuso was Dr. Doolittle because she always talks to all the animals on the streets haha and then Hna Love was Bring it On because she is just so excited and has the energy of a cheerleader. So now you can sort of imagine our companionship. :)
Thursday morning was so amazing as Hna Ayuso and I were witnesses for Flavio and Pilar`s wedding!!!!!!! They finally got married!!! Us three did Pilar and Martina`s hair and make-up for the wedding (that`s why it`s good there are Hermanas too :)) I had to sign for them and they were so happy. We took lots of pictures for them and it was so special.
Then the ward made a huge 3 layer cake for them and they had a huge party afterwards that the ward threw for them. It was so awesome to see the ward come together to put something on for them since they don`t have too much. We had lots of fun too! They thanked us so many times and now want to share the Gospel so much. So cool to see how the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes people. Family I wish you guys could have been here to see it, but I really hope you get to meet this family someday. Mom, I gave them the nice silver CTR rings that match that you sent me as a wedding gift and they loved them, so thanks for those!
I literally am so exhausted and I think am getting sick since I have gotten a few headaches which I never get, but the work is going great and I am happy. There is no time for that sickness stuff....haha. Thanks Brielle for sharing your experiences of sharing the gospel with others and Mom and Dad you too!!! I love that!! Oh and all of your thoughts on General Conference. Glad you guys loved it just as much as I did! Keep it up and I love you all so much. I know Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us and can work miracles.
Hermana Romney
Pics of the wedding and the baptism!