"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
That is another thing that I LOVE about the mission, is that now I feel like I can relate so much better to the heroes in the scriptures!!!
Then the bad news of the day: Cambios were today and I am being transferred out of Copihues to go to Krav (Penco) with Hna Blau to train her how to be a Sister Traning leader and to white wash the sector (when they take out both missionaries and put in 2 brand new ones). This will be my third time doing that on my mission! I don`t know hardly anything about Hna Blau except that she is a ginga, but I am excited! On the other hand, I am really really sad to leave Hna Ayuso and Hna Love. I think we have had the most fun cambio together out of my whole mission and have seen so many huge miracles. This week alone we hit the mission standards of excellence in lessons and people at church! Miracles. They both will be staying in Copihues in a trio again for this next cambio with Hna Meyer replacing me. But I guess change is good.
I hope you all have had an incredible week and next time I will be writing you from Penco. Got to go pack my bags and say goodbyes, but I love you all more than you know and that love only grows stronger everyday. I love my Savior and feel an enormous privilege to be one of His representatives. It humbles me everyday and I can`t believe how lucky I am to know Him and partake of His atonement while inviting others to do the same.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Ivan, Diego and their family! Yes, Ivan is a Ginger!!
Playing ball after an Hermana study that Hna Ayuso and I taught.
Getting my shoes shined on the streets. I have always wanted to do that :)
Ohh and I totally forgot to mention that I have gotten over 30 flea bites this week!!! They itch!!! But whatcha gonna do? And there are cherries EVERYWHERE on the trees and since I am tall, it is really easy to pick them off the trees and so we have been eating them all day erry day.
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