Ahhh okay I can`t believe that Christmas is sooo close. This is going to be a short email since we will be seeing each other on Skype in 3 days! Ya know, not that I am excited or anything. This week went really well though, especially the Christmas Concert that we had on Saturday night. Hna Blau did an awesome job with her solo and it was the first time that I actually felt like it was Christmas time here. There was about 600 people that came out and we had the band of the carabineros (police men) there too. We gave out Books of Mormon during it, so that was awesome. No better present for Christmas than the book that will bring us closest to Christ. I realized that I really really love Christmas in the mission since there is no other greater gift that we can give to Christ than to share his gospel with others. This Sunday I gave a talk in church about Love and Charity and how if we have this attributes, then we are going to share the gospel with everyone. This is so true and I know that my capacity to love has grown incredibly while being here and seeing everyone as our Heavenly Father sees us. Tonight we are going to do a service project with the zone of feeding homeless people and singing to them, so I am excited for that. Tomorrow the whole mission will be going to Chillan and having our christmas conference where each zone has to present a skit. I get to be the angel in the skit (just like last year!!). I guess either me being tall makes me a good fit for the part, or I have just an angelic aurora about me. Probably the first, but I choose to believe the second. :) Well I love you all soo much and will see you on Skype soon! I challenge you all to remember the real spirit of Christmas and reach out to all those who are in need of help as we will be trying to do the same here.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Oh yeah and to explain the pics, the first is with 2 brand new missionaries that we had this week for a mini-cambio and they were awesome! Then at the concert. And on another mini-cambio a member in Lirquen had this shirt and I couldn`t not take a pic. :)
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