¿Como han pasado este semana?? I hope all is well there at home and everything seems to be great from your emails. I am so glad that so many family members were able to go support Bryce and VP this weekend. This morning was so great because we got to go to President Arrington`s house with our hermanas and make christmas sugar cookies and eat pizza!! It was a morning in american heaven and Mom it reminded me so much of when we would make soo many chocolate chip cookies in the Bosch for all of the missionaries in Mexico because we were doing the same. I loved it. I will attach pictures below.
Well it has been yet another great week here with Hermana Blau and we have been continuing to find and help our investigators progress. Hermana Blau and I actually get along really great so that has been amazing! We have actually had a some really great lessons with some less-actives this week. We met with Andres and Solange who are trying to come back to church, but they are living together while they are waiting for Solange to get divorced from her previous marriage. Andres is a return missionary who knows that what he is doing is wrong and feels so much guilt from it. When we talked with them, Andres started crying and saying how he doesn`t even feel worthy to pray. At that moment, I had the strongest promting from the spirit to let him know that he has a Heavenly Father who wants to hear from him no matter what and that is a lie from Satan. We told him that we were sent from God to tell him that God loves him and wants him to come back. It was so powerfull and as we sat their in their little house, I felt the love of God just surround us. We are going to work hard with them so that they can be married ASAP and come to church meanwhile.
Well I encourage you all to study Charity as well this week. In my opinion, it is one of the most important attributes of Christ if it is okay to say that. The world would be a better place if everyone would try a little bit harder to have Charity in their hearts. Alright well I have to go because we are about to meet up with Karen (one of my converts from Santa Sabina) and I am soooo excited to see her after about 8 months or so!! Love you all so much!!
Hermana Romney
with hermana Arrington!
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