I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and family it was sooo good to see everyone! I am sure that was crazy having all 18 of you in the house! Soo fun though and thank you all for remembering me in your prayers. I can`t believe how big my nieces and nephews have gotten! Here we were able to have a great Christmas where we got together with the missionaries who are close and played sports for about 3 hours so you know I was happy. Then we went out and talked to a bunch of people about our Savior and even got to teach too! Nothing better on Christmas day.
So this week we were able to have a few miracles with one of them being that Mauricio ( a new convert of about 6 months) came back to church after about 4 months of not coming! We have been working with him for a while and the first lesson when we got here to Penco he was so pesado (rude) with us. He just kept saying he didn`t want to pray or read and that he would go back to church when he felt like it. Well, after the first visit, every visit since has been better and better and he gets nicer and nicer. He is in Alma reading the BOM now too and he finally came to church! I have loved seeing his progression and I know he is going to come back even stronger this time. We have had a few lessons where we have felt the spirit so strong and I know that the Spirit really is the teacher and that is what has helped him along with the BOM. Our investigators are progressing slowly, but they are there! We also have been able to work better with our Bishop and he now gives us references all the time so we are excited to work with him! Oh yeah then I forgot to tell you guys that I had a parasite!!! My stomach was hurting so bad for about a week and I tried a few different medicines and nothing, so Hna Balden (our nurse) gave me the "bomb" to take which gets rid of parasites and it did the trick! I feel great now so no worries.

Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
1) At the Christmas conference with a few previous companions.
2) One of our HUGE lunches we have everyday.
3) Our Christmas hats that we went around in on the 24th and the 25th! It was a great way to contact!!

4) Our pancake breakfast on Christmas morning in our house.
5) A sweet homeless guy that we gave dinner too for Christmas and then shared the church magazines with! He has had such a hard life and is actually a member of the church too, but doesn`t go anymore. It was awesome and he has the desire to go back now!
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