Okay so first before anything, I just got an email from Hna Love back in Chillan talking about all the progress they are seeing in the ward and with our investigators/converts and I just had to share it with you guys. She wrote, "This Sunday I had the opportunity to see progress in action. A less active, Danilo, who we have been working with recieved the Priesthood and passed the Sacrament. (Ahhh when I met Danilo he barely even had a testimony!!!) Ivan blessed the Sacrament and is now the Executive Secretary of our ward!!!! Ivan and Diego are planning to go to the temple in Santiago to do baptisms next month. AND Joanna and Sebastian set fecha to be married the 22 or 26th and baptized the 27th this month! So now we get to plan a wedding yayyyy!"
WOOOOOO I hope you guys remember all them from my previous emails. We worked so hard with all of them. Hearing that just made my week and I can`t believe how fast they are progressing. THIS IS THE LORD`S WORK.
Alright now back to what`s going on here in Penco. This morning we went to the beach in Colchogue and just got to hang out as a zone so I will be attaching pics. Each week we have had choir practice with all the missionaries in our zone and in Tomé for a Christmas concert that the church is doing, so that will be happening this Saturday! I have been chosen to represent the Gringos and talk about what we do in our country to celebrate Christmas and give a short testimony of our Savior, so I hope that goes well. To answer your question Mom, yes we are all getting together as a mission on the 23rd where we have to prepare a skit for it, so I am PUMPED for that just to see everyone. It kinda feels like Christmas with all of the decorations and activities, but it still is weird again that it is warm for Christmas, but that`s Chile for ya and I love it.
Funny moment of the week:
This week I studied Joesph Smith History a lot and I have come to LOVE it. I love the contrast of light and darkness that Joesph faces and how when it was the darkest, that was when he had to pray the hardest and when he saw a pilar of light brighter than the sun. Lots of times we have to pass through that period of darkness to experience the light. We just have to hold on, be faithful, and ENDURE. I love you all so much and hope you have a fantastic week helping others come unto Christ. See you soon on Skype!!!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Also it was Hna Blau`s birthday this week and we celebrated by smashing her face in the cake just as a good Chilean would!!!
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