¡Buenos Días!
So many changes have happened this past week and Penco is so different from Chillan! I have to admit that for the first couple of days, I missed Chillan soo much and all of the people there. We had such a booming sector and last Monday it was so hard to say goodbye to all of them. The members, converts and investigators alike. It was a crazy night running around saying goodbye to everyone with tears shed, but at least technology is amazing and I will be able to keep in touch with many of them. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE so many people over there and I miss Hna Ayuso and Hna Love. We had so much fun together, but enough of things in the past because I am now in Penco!!! Hna Blau (19) is my new comp from Missouri and she is a boss. She`s got about 11 months in the mission and is going to be a great Sister Training Leader. She is very bubbly, obedient, and has tons of animo which I love! She reminds me a lot of my trainer Hna Lovell too. She also loves running, so we are taking advantage of that to get to know the sector better in the mornings and to go running along the beach. We already get along great and it should be a good cambio.
I will send some pictures of Penco because it is beautiful! It is a beach town and we have spectacular views of the ocean everywhere. There are soooo many hills though!! We hike everyday up these steep hills and man is it a good leg workout. Way different from Chillan, but I love it. The hermanas before us were great at working with less actives and new converts, but there are 0 investigators so we have just been trying to find as much as possible through the members. That has been a little bit hard, but we have found a few solid people already and are excited to work even more here. It is a really good ward with lots of potential, so lots of things to do.

Other than getting lost quite a bit, this week has been great and members have been vital in showing us around a going out with us everyday. I have learned a lot this week about what a successful missionary is. It basically all depends on the Spirit and if we are giving everything that we can while being completely obedient. Also this week I heard that a less-active that I re-activated in Santa Sabina is now the Ward Mission Leader and gave a talk at stake conference about how he remembered Hna Lovell and I and how we was so grateful that we were able to help reactivate him. Ahhh that made me so happy to hear!!! Well I`ve got to go, but I love my mission, my Savior, the gospel, and everything that it implies. Not too much time this week, but I love you all. Stay strong in the faith ALWAYS.
con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
A few pics of Hna Blau and the sector. I will try and get some better pics for next week.
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