First off, Happy late Father`s Day Dad!! I think the best gift I can give to you and to our Heavenly Father is by being here on the mission talking to as many people as I can to share the Gospel! Mom I laughed when I saw that you also gave a talk in church yesterday about Fathers because I did too! Of course I talked a little bit about our fathers here on earth and how my Dad has always been an amazing example of putting God first in his life. How he has helped me so much, especially with my testimony of our Heavenly Father and our Savior. But most of all, I wanted to talk about our Heavenly Father. I ended up talking a lot about how if we really love our Heavenly Father then we will love everyone of his children! We will treat everyone with love and will have charity in our hearts. (That has been a bit of a problem here with everyone talking bad about everyone else....but we are changing that!!! - our branch president says that there is a saying here that says, "pueblo chico, infierno grande"..... ¡que fuerte!) But we have been having LOTS of activities here and we can see more love each and every time!
On Saturday we had the baptism of Margarita (investigator of the Elders who we have helped too) and she was just beaming with light!!! I love her! And Maribel (our investigator) was able to come! After we had a sweet activity afterwards were we played lots of games and then of course completos! Gotta love church activities! Then yesterday for Father`s day, our investigator family (familia Rojas Milla) invited us over to have an asado (barbecue) at their house and after we watched the Restoration since the dad, Jose Luis, has never seen it and after wards he said he felt a tingling in his stomach and he really liked it! They are committed to read and pray every night as a family, following this calendar that we made for them! They also accepted a baptismal fecha for the 12th of June so we have high hopes for them!!!
Well I just wanted to end expressing my love for our Heavenly Father and for the perfect plan that He has for us. I can only imagine how incredibly difficult it was for Him to send His only Son here to earth and to watch him suffer a pain greater than any of us can ever know. Yet He did it out of love. My hope is that we can all treat everyone with that same love because it is what Heavenly Father would want. I love you all and thanks for all of the love and support that you give to me!! Have an amazing week!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Romney
Besitos from Chile!!!! (We are excited for the world cup here too!!)
the familia Rojas Milla!!
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